How to Stage Your Home for Winter

Winter may be a somewhat inconvenient time to sell your home, but you will likely be able to sell your home for more. There are usually fewer houses on the market, causing people who are serious about buying to pay more. Since homes are pretty cold in the winter, it’s important to stage your home so it feels warm to potential buyers. Here a few home staging tips for winter months.

Have a Crackling Fire

This home staging tip depends on what type of fireplace you have. It would be nice for potential home buyers to see your fireplace in action and feel the warmth it gives off, but only if it’s a gas or electric fireplace. Gas or electric fireplaces give your house a homey feel without the smell of smoke. Wood burning fireplaces may turn off people, especially if someone is allergic to smoke. So be mindful with this tip. Gas and electric are good; wood burning is nice for some people, but not everyone.

Give Each Room a Warm Touch

Even if a room is physically cold, it can still look warm. Put out warm colored throw blankets on the back of a chair, put a big quilt at the end of the bed, or add an area rug with warm hues. These little pieces will instantly warm up a room and allow potential buyers to imagine how they would decorate the room.

Show the Entertainment Possibilities

Since winter tends to be the months where people stay indoors, show how your home can be used for entertainment. Set the table as if you were having guests over, put out snacks for people coming through your home, and set out fresh flowers. When you’re entertaining the potential home buyers, they will see it as a way they can entertain in the future.

Utilize the Outdoors

Yards are generally used for warmer months, but if you have a covered patio, an outdoor fireplace, or a fire pit, stage that area in a way that it can be used in the winter. Set up outdoor furniture around the fire, put a few throw blankets out there, and make it look inviting.

Let in the Light and Turn Up the Heat

Our homes tend to be dark in the winter months, so be sure to open up all the blinds and turn on all the lights in the house. Your home should also be warm when people walk in. A cold home can turn people away because they will think about the high energy bills that come with your home.

These home staging tips should help you sell your home quickly and hopefully for a higher price!

Fresno and Clovis Real Estate

We are Foxen Realty, located in the Fresno and Clovis area. We are experts in selling your home in this fast paced real estate environment. Let us help you sell your home for top dollar.