Median Price of SFR Listings in Fresno and Clovis at a 12-Month High

Median Price of SFR Listings in Fresno and Clovis at a 12-Month High

According to Fresno MLS and Clarus MarketMetrics, the median price of SFR listings in Fresno and Clovis reached a 12-month high in March, when the median price reached $228k. In March of 2014, the median price was $219k, making for a 4% increase in price over the past year. With fewer houses on the market, demand has increased, and many neighborhoods have experienced “bidding wars” for certain properties.

This follows along with a nationwide increase in home prices, which has been leading many experts to forewarn of a potential “bubble burst”, much like the one that occurred in 2008.

Fresno and Clovis Real Estate

We are Foxen Realty, located in the Fresno and Clovis area. We are experts in selling your home in this fast paced real estate environment. Let us help you sell your home for top dollar.
