How Much Are Property Taxes?

Files with the text property tax written on the tab, close up and blur effect. Realistic 3D render

If you’re wondering “how much are property taxes,” then keep reading. Use this guide to assist you. As you estimate your property taxes.

Consider the Calculations: Fresno County Property Tax

Tax-Rates.org reports, “The median property tax in Fresno County, California is $1,666 per year for a home worth the median value of $257,000. Fresno County collects, on average, 0.65% of a property’s assessed fair market value as property tax.”

Fresno County uses a complicated formula. So, it’s best to keep an estimate in mind. As you’re looking for homes.

Consider the statistical median of taxable properties in Fresno County. “The median property tax amount is based on the median Fresno County property value of $257,000,” states Tax-Rates.org. Keep in mind. This is a benchmark. Not your actual costs.

You can also use Tax-Rate.org’s Property Tax Estimator. Input your appraised property value. And then receive an estimate. Smart Assest also offers a tax calculator. So you can compare. Then, you’ll likely have a good idea of how much you’ll pay in property taxes.

Lowering Your Tax Bill

If you believe the assessed value is higher than the actual worth, then you can contest the value. Start with contacting The County Assessor’s Office. They can walk you through the process.

Want to lower your bill? You can pay your tax bill in one lump sum. Then, write off the payment when you file income taxes.

Estimate How Much You’ll Pay for Property Taxes

If you want to know the tax rate or exact amount of taxes paid for a particular parcel, then look up the parcel number online. Visit the Fresno County Tax Assessor’s website.

Contact the County of Fresno for additional information about your taxes.

And if you’re looking to buy a new home, then Foxen Realty has you covered!

Contact us today to learn more about which properties fall within your spending and tax budget. We’ll be happy to assist you!

Shelly Cantrell: