Home Staging Tips for Summer

Summer is the busiest real estate season, as most people want to move when their kids aren’t in school. So if you’re looking to sell your home and want to stand out against the competition, you may want to consider staging your home. Here are some home staging tips for summer to follow.

  1. Work on the curb appeal
  2. The front of your house is the first thing potential buyers see when they first drive up. Some even just do a drive by to see if it’s even worth it to go inside, so curb appeal is very important. Mow the lawn, plants new flowers, wash the windows, clean the house siding, knock down spider webs. All these simple things make the outside of your house look so much more appealing.

  3. Deep clean your house
  4. Deep cleaning doesn’t just mean wiping off surfaces and vacuuming. It means cleaning every nook and cranny, leaving it shiny. A clean home is much more inviting than a dirty one.

  5. Put things in storage
  6. This is a big one. If you really want to stage your home properly, putting most things in storage is the way to go. This allows you to declutter your home, leaving closets empty as well as spare bedrooms. Potential buyers want to be able to imagine what their furniture will look like in the space and that can be difficult if all of your furniture is there instead.

  7. Fix things that are broken
  8. Finally take the time to fix the little things throughout your home that have been bothering you for years. Patch up that hole in the wall, fix your slow-draining sink, and get that closet door to slide smoothly. Potential buyers expect your home to be functioning properly, so make sure it does, even the little things.

  9. Keep it neutral
  10. No one wants to walk into a home and realize they have to repaint the walls. Do it for them and choose neutral colors such as beige, gray, or gray-blues. When choosing paint colors, think light. Light colors brighten up a room and make it feel larger.

  11. Only stage certain rooms
  12. Don’t waste your time staging areas that don’t make an impression. Focus on the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom. In these spaces, angle the furniture to a focal point so it creates a conversation area. Potential buyers will then imagine their families in the space.

Fresno and Clovis Real Estate

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